![](Gillman Barracks/1. thumb Gillman Barrack Block - Mundy.jpg) |
1. Gillman Barrack Block - Mundy |
![](Gillman Barracks/2. thumb Gillman Barrack Block Interior - Brown.jpg) |
2. Gillman Barrack Block Interior - Brown |
![](Gillman Barracks/3. thumb Gillman Barrack Block Verandah - Brown.jpg) |
3. Gillman Barrack Block Verandah - Brown |
![](Gillman Barracks/4. thumb Gillman Barracks Entrance - Mundy.jpg) |
4. Gillman Barracks Entrance - Mundy |
![](Gillman Barracks/5. thumb Gillman Barracks Gym - Hodgson.jpg) |
5. Gillman Barracks Gym - Hodgson |
![](Gillman Barracks/6. thumb Gillman Barracks Main Entrance - Gordon.jpg) |
6. Gillman Barracks Main Entrance - Gordon |
![](Gillman Barracks/7. thumb Gillman Cinema.jpg) |
7. Gillman Cinema |
![](Gillman Barracks/8. thumb Gillman Entrance - Hodgson.jpg) |
8. Gillman Entrance - Hodgson |
![](Gillman Barracks/9. thumb Gillman Hill - Hodgson.jpg) |
9. Gillman Hill - Hodgson |
![](Gillman Barracks/10. thumb Gillman Lower End.jpg) |
10. Gillman Lower End |
![](Gillman Barracks/11. thumb Gillman Parade Square - Hodgson.jpg) |
11. Gillman Parade Square - Hodgson |
![](Gillman Barracks/12. thumb Gillman Pool - Brown.jpg) |
12. Gillman Pool - Brown |
![](Gillman Barracks/13. thumb Gillman Pool 2 - Brown.jpg) |
13. Gillman Pool 2 - Brown |
![](Gillman Barracks/14. thumb Gillman Rooftop - Brown.jpg) |
14. Gillman Rooftop - Brown |
![](Gillman Barracks/15. thumb Gillman View From Cookhouse Block - Hodgson.jpg) |
15. Gillman View From Cookhouse Block - Hodgson |
![](Gillman Barracks/16. thumb Gillman View of Blocks from Cookhouse Block Roof.jpg) |
16. Gillman View of Blocks from Cookhouse Block Roof |
![](Gillman Barracks/17. thumb Print Shop - Ludlow.jpg) |
17. Print Shop - Ludlow |
![](Gillman Barracks/18. thumb Swimming Pool Steps.jpg) |
18. Swimming Pool Steps |
![](Gillman Barracks/20 Thumb bud gillman pool.jpg) |
20. Gillman pool, circa 1964. - Bud Moon |
![](Gillman Barracks/19 Thumb bud gillman gala.jpg) |
19. A swimming gala at Gillman pool, circa 1963. Can only remember Slim Donovan (with fancy shirt on right) and Bev Hill, (Standing in white shirt towards the left of the picture).
Could that be Chris Robbins Behind Slim and could the one behind the ladies be Joe Dalziel?
Additional comment from Brian Houldershaw: of two lads sitting in the front and in uniform complete with berets, the left hand one is Mick Ludlow who was a Litho trade. Mick was the only Litho tradesman who accompanied we five Field surveyors when posted to Singapore on October 1962. On the left of that group is a young Steve Fulford, wearing spectacles. This places the photograph as mid 1963 as Steve arrived with us in Kuching circa August 63, after attending a five week Malay language Course at Nee Soon.
From Bill Powell, middle foreground with beret & beer is Bob Percival
Additional names from Mike Ludlow
To Steve Fulfords left is Pete Hogarth then Ian Smith, myself (Mike Ludlow) and 'Spanner' Bradley.
It certainly is Chris Robbins behind Slim Donovan, then sitting on the wall is Howard ????, and Lofty Woolf. Behind Loftys right shoulder is Nick Cheesman. |
![](Gillman Barracks/21 Thumb Rainy day at Gillman 1970.jpg) |
21. This photo is from top floor of my block looking up towards the NAAFI block. The day was probably the most foul I have ever seen in the Far East. The rain was absolutely lashing down and there was tremendous thunder and lightning. Unfortunately the photo does not do it justice but the storm drains overflowed. - Keith Milburn |
![](Gillman Barracks/22 Thumb Gillman square from block 1970.jpg) |
22. View of the Square from the barrack block. - Keith Milburn |
![](Gillman Barracks/23 Thumb Gillman square from block 1970.jpg) |
23. View of the Square from the barrack block. - Keith Milburn |
![](Gillman Barracks/24 Thumb NAAFI from block 1970.jpg) |
24. The NAAFI from our block, spent a few happy (very happy) nights up there. Tiger was 50 cents a pint if my memory serves. - Keith Milburn |
![](Gillman Barracks/25 Thumb Queens Birthday Parade Gillman Barracks 1963.jpg) |
25. Queens Birthday Parade Gillman Barracks 1963 - Mike Ludlow |